So I've survived the first day. The day started out slowly. I got up at roughly 9 and everyone had already left. I had expected the eldest to be home since school started late for him. Anyway I was alone in the house for a while before P and T got home. We dropped T off at school and P showed me around a bit before getting back home. I was mostly just sitting down not doing much while I waited for P to get her stuff done before I drove her to the bus. The car being British didn't really help with the stress of driving a car you aren't used to and not quite knowing where you were or where you were going. It sounds a lot more dramatic than it really was.
After navigating my way back home I had a few minutes to spare before picking up O from school. Since it was close and I wasn't completely sure about where it was I decided to walk instead of taking the car. I reckoned it would be easier to get a hold of the area by foot. I picked her up from school and we walked home.
Later on a neighbour came over and left her boy here while she went off to pick up her daughter. I got to practice some of my French even though some of the conversation went in English. She wasn't gone for too long before she came back to get her son. We talked some more so I got to practice a bit more and the rest of the chaps turned up. I've spoken with them a bit trying to get to know them a bit. We got to messing around a bit which was nice. Everything loosened up after that. The chaps are great, at least they haven't killed me yet. Then another neighbours daughters came over for a short while and then P came back home.
P made supper and we got to talk a bit and get to know each other a bit better. We ate and sent the chaps to bed. P is a very nice person. It seems like we're going to get on well. I've only been here one day and I already feel relaxed with the family.
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