About my adventures in Paris. Feel free to leave comments.

Saturday, 25 October 2014


It's been a while since I wrote about what's going on here. There has been so much going on so I just haven't felt like writing about all of it. To be honest these past few weeks have been really rough. I've run into a lot of opposition but I think things are going to calm down now. I really hope they will. 

So being here and being "all alone" has thought me a few things. While going through this rough patch I've reached out to my friends and I've had their support. Once again I'm reminded of how important it is to have people behind you who support you. A reminder that I'm never really alone. 

Also having faith has really made a difference. Even though I was facing a disaster I knew that I was safe. My confidence that God had it all under control helped me get through it all. I knew that whatever happens I know that it'll be grand. 

Since the chaps have their October holidays means I have a week off which led to Hannah and I deciding to go to Ireland. After everything that's happened I really need to have a bit of a vacation. 

I usually write a lot of details about what I'm doing but today I just don't feel like sharing. 

1 comment:

  1. någon har sagt att sanna vänner är aldrig riktigt åtskilda, kanske i kilometer-men aldrig i varandras hjärtan, och det är fint att märka att vänner finns vid ens sida när man behöver dem, ja det verkar som du faktiskt var i behov av en paus och jag hoppas att allt ordnar sig till det bästa, sköt om er h inka
