With everything going on there's a lot to think about. We just finished our applications for the DTS. Then there's all the wedding planning and all the paperwork and fitting everything into the schedule. Anyway things seem to have settled down a bit now and I'm able to breathe out for a bit.
O drew a picture of a unicorn and wrote my
name on the picture. I'm impressed by her handwriting. |
Playing monopoly with O and Hannah |
Our favourite coffee place |
We've been to our coffee place so many times now the employees all light up when they see us coming. The waitress knows what coffee we're going to order and everything.
La Défense |
A part of the application was to get a doctor fill in one of the forms saying that we're in good health and would be able to make the trip.
We got an appointment with a swedish doctor in La Défense so we went there on Thursday. The thing was that it was a bit later than I would have hoped which meant I wouldn't be back in time to pick up O from school so we had to make some extra arrangements. We found La Défense to be confusing for pedestrians and since we didn't know the area we ended up walking a lot more than necessary. It took us longer than expected and I wasn't feeling to great then either. Anyway eventually we found the place and had our appointment.
Both of us were in good health so we would be able to do the DTS. After the meeting we tried to get back and nothing made sense. Eventually we found a way to get back to where we wanted to go. Later on when we finally got back to Saint-Germain-En-Laye we ran into some heavy traffic which took us a lot longer to get back.
When we finally got back to Orgeval and went to the school we didn't quite know from where we were to pick up O. We ran around half the school before we finally someone showed us where to go. At this point T and Ta had already gotten home and they were outside waiting for us since they didn't have the keys and I'm usually already home to let them in. This led to me being overly stressed about the whole thing.
At Antony waiting for the bus |
Anyway the weekend arrived which meant I got to take some time off. Much needed time off. Hannah had a job interview on the saturday but the bus apparently never came. Perhaps it came early but there were other people at the bus stop when we got there. We went back to the house and got a ride to Poissy. Then we found out that they are doing some work on the train line so we had to take the bus to a different place and get on a train there. In addition to everything else the train we waited for was late.
Hannah called the people she was to meet and explained to them about the delays and that she would be a bit late. When we finally got there she sat down and waited for them and ended up not having any interview at all.
On sunday we went to church. After church we had some indian food but I didn't think it was that good. I expected hot food but apparently French people can't handle spices very well which meant the food was very weak according to my standards. I asked Siri about cheap indian food but that place wasn't very cheap.
We went back to our coffee place to have some coffee. The temperature had dropped drastically from a hot summer day to a cold autumn day with rain. We spent the day in Paris and went from one place to another. I told Hannah that I want to live close to the center in the future. Hannah was delighted when I said that.
When it was time to go home I called P and she wondered if I could stay at Hannah's place since it would be easier. We went back to Hannah's place which was nice. On our way there we ran into some nice Canadians who were spending a few days in Paris. We gave them some advice and had a nice conversation.
Yesterday we got up and had breakfast and headed for Orgeval. We decided to go to La Défense and hop on a bus to Orgeval. The bus was nicer than any of the busses we had taken previously. It would have been more like the types of busses we'd be used to in Finland.
In the bus towards Orgeval |